
MA330012 Microchip Technology

DS-70095K-69782.pdf Hersteller: Microchip Technology
Daughter Cards & OEM Boards dsPIC33F GP 100P to 84P Plug In Module
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Technische Details MA330012 Microchip Technology

Description: MODULE DSPIC33 100P TO 84QFP, Packaging: Bulk, For Use With/Related Products: dsPIC33FJ256GP710, Accessory Type: Plug-In Module (PIM).

Weitere Produktangebote MA330012

Foto Bezeichnung Hersteller Beschreibung Verfügbarkeit
MA330012 MA330012 Hersteller : Microchip Technology 70165E.pdf Description: MODULE DSPIC33 100P TO 84QFP
Packaging: Bulk
For Use With/Related Products: dsPIC33FJ256GP710
Accessory Type: Plug-In Module (PIM)
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